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Press Releases


September 23, 2024

Brandon Meline, Maternal and Child Health Director
217-531-4308 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tanya Giannotti, Public Relations
217-531-2925 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Now Offering COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines for Upcoming Season

Health District Urges Residents to Stay Protected Against Respiratory Viruses

CHAMPAIGN, IL – The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is pleased to announce the availability of both COVID-19 and influenza vaccines for the 2024—2025 season. As the community prepares for the fall and winter months, CUPHD urges residents to take advantage of this opportunity to protect themselves and their loved ones from these potentially serious illnesses. It is safe to receive both vaccines at the same visit. It is recommended that everyone six months of age and older received updated flu and COVID-19 vaccines.

CUPHD will offer flu and COVID vaccinations by appointment only. To schedule, please call 217-531- 4317. CUPHD can bill most insurance plans; however, no one will be turned away due to being uninsured or underinsured. Please note that CUPHD cannot bill Medicare. Individuals with Medicare should visit a pharmacy or contact their primary physician for services. Along with the vaccines offered by CUPHD, individuals can also visit to find nearby locations offering both vaccines.

COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendation

The virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, is constantly evolving, and immunity from previous vaccines can diminish over time. Receiving the updated vaccine boosts protection against the most prevalent variants currently leading to infections and hospitalizations across the U.S. Vaccination also helps lower the risk of Long COVID, which can develop after an acute infection and persist for months. Last season, those who received the 2023—2024 vaccine experienced better protection against illness and hospitalization. To date, hundreds of millions have safely received the COVID-19 vaccines under the most rigorous safety monitoring in U.S. history.

Flu Vaccine Recommendation

For most people, a single dose of the flu vaccine each season is sufficient. While the CDC advises getting vaccinated if influenza viruses are circulating, September and October are the optimal months for flu vaccination.

For more information about respiratory viruses, including flu and COVID-19, visit


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September 4, 2024

Christina Ladage, Senior Car Seat Instructor Proxy
217-531-4306 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tanya Giannotti, Public Relations
217-531-2925 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


CUPHD Hosts Free Car Seat Inspection Event on September 9 to Promote Child Passenger Safety

Child Passenger Safety Week is September 15—21

CHAMPAIGN, IL – The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is hosting a car seat inspection event on Monday, September 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the north side parking lot garage of 201 W. Kenyon Road in Champaign. Certified child passenger safety technicians and instructor proxy technicians will be available to provide parents and caregivers with complimentary guidance on the proper installation and use of car seats. No appointment is necessary.

While this event is not part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Child Passenger Safety Week, which runs from September 15—21 this year, it remains an important opportunity for families to ensure their children’s safety in vehicles. Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children, and the latest research from NHTSA shows that 46% of car seats are misused. Common issues include children being in the wrong type of car seat for their age and size, and car seats being installed improperly, both of which leave children vulnerable to injury in a crash.

"Most parents do what they can but are still unsure," said Christina Ladage. "So, they may be surprised to find out their children aren't as secure as they think. We want to help caregivers ensure their children are safe."

During the inspection, visitors will spend about 30 minutes with a certified expert. Technicians will verify if children are in the correct seats for their ages and sizes, ensure car seats are installed properly, and explain the importance of registering car seats with the manufacturer to receive notifications in case of a recall.

For those unable to attend, car seat inspections are available on the second Monday of every month at CUPHD, except on holidays. Appointments are required and can be scheduled by calling 217-353-4932. Additionally, individuals can visit to find other inspection events.

In support of child safety, CUPHD’s Maternal and Child Health division is holding a car seat donation drive. An Amazon wish list is available at, and donated car seats will be provided to low-income families in need. These families will also receive education on proper car seat installation. Donations can also be dropped off in person at the WIC window within the main office lobby.

For more information on child car seat safety, as well as how to find other car seat check events, visit

Free car seat check event


3 de septiembre de 2024

Christina Ladage, Instructor principal de asientos para el automóvil
217-531-4306 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tanya Giannotti, Public Relations
217-531-2925 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


CUPHD organiza un evento gratuito de inspección de asientos para automóviles el 9 de septiembre para promover la seguridad de los niños pasajeros

La Semana de la Seguridad de los Niños Pasajeros se celebra del 15 al 21 de septiembre

CHAMPAIGN, IL – El Distrito de Salud Pública de Champaign-Urbana (CUPHD) está organizando un evento de inspección de asientos para el automóvil el lunes 9 de septiembre, de 10:00 a. m. a 1:30 p. m. en el estacionamiento del lado norte de 201 W. Kenyon Road en Champaign. Habrá técnicos certificados en seguridad de pasajeros infantiles y técnicos instructores sustitutos disponibles para brindarles a los padres y cuidadores orientación gratuita sobre la instalación y el uso adecuados de los asientos para el automóvil. No es necesario hacer una cita.

Si bien este evento no forma parte de la Semana de la Seguridad de los Niños Pasajeros de la Administración Nacional de Seguridad del Tráfico en las Carreteras (NHTSA), que este año se celebra del 15 al 21 de septiembre, sigue siendo una oportunidad importante para que las familias garanticen la seguridad de sus hijos en los vehículos. Los accidentes automovilísticos son una de las principales causas de muerte de los niños, y las últimas investigaciones de la NHTSA muestran que el 46 % de los asientos de seguridad para niños se utilizan de forma incorrecta. Los problemas más comunes incluyen que los niños viajen en un tipo de asiento inadecuado para su edad y tamaño, y que los asientos de seguridad se instalen de forma incorrecta, lo que deja a los niños vulnerables a sufrir lesiones en caso de accidente.

"La mayoría de los padres hacen lo que pueden, pero aún no están seguros", dijo Christina Ladage. "Por eso, pueden sorprenderse al descubrir que sus hijos no están tan seguros como creen. Queremos ayudar a los cuidadores a garantizar la seguridad de sus hijos".

Durante la inspección, los visitantes pasarán unos 30 minutos con un experto certificado. Los técnicos 

verificarán si los niños están en los asientos correctos para sus edades y tamaños, se asegurarán de que los asientos para el automóvil estén instalados correctamente y explicarán la importancia de registrar los asientos para el automóvil con el fabricante para recibir notificaciones en caso de un retiro del mercado.

Para quienes no puedan asistir, las inspecciones de asientos para el automóvil están disponibles el segundo lunes de cada mes en CUPHD, excepto los días feriados. Se requieren citas y se pueden programar llamando al 217-353-4932. Además, las personas pueden visitar para encontrar otros eventos de inspección.

En apoyo a la seguridad infantil, la división de Salud Maternoinfantil de CUPHD está llevando a cabo una campaña de donación de asientos para el automóvil. Hay una lista de deseos de Amazon disponible en, y se entregarán asientos para el automóvil donados a familias de bajos ingresos que los necesiten. Estas familias también recibirán educación sobre la instalación adecuada de los asientos para el automóvil. Las donaciones también se pueden dejar en persona en la ventanilla de WIC dentro del vestíbulo de la oficina principal.

Para obtener más información sobre la seguridad de los asientos de seguridad para niños, así como también sobre cómo encontrar otros eventos de verificación de asientos de seguridad, visite

Car seat flyer



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