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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Public Health? How is it different from a medical clinic or hospital?

Public Health is not a "full-service" medical facility. We do not offer primary medical care for adults or children. We do offer a range of medical and support services, however, some of which are also provided in doctors' offices. Our mission is to prevent disease and injury and to lessen the impact of disease. We strive to make our services accessible to anyone in Champaign County, and some of our services are available to people in other counties.

What is the relationship between the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District and the Champaign County Public Health Department?

The Champaign County Public Health Department was formed by a referendum of county voters in 1996. The governing body, the County Board of Health, contracts with CUPHD for public health programming for persons living in Champaign County, outside of the cities of Champaign and Urbana. Food protection, potable water, and sewage programs are operated in the County by CUPHD staff. Additionally communicable disease prevention, investigation and mitigation are provided to county residents.

CUPHD also administers a variety of grant-funded programs that benefit county residents. The County BoH contracts with CUPHD to provide these services to county residents. These include the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, Family Case Management, HIV prevention and testing services, case management for persons living with HIV or AIDS, emergency preparedness activities, tobacco prevention and cessation programming, immunizations, including flu shots, and other services.

CUPHD maintains an office for WIC and other maternal and child health services in Rantoul to better serve the members of Northern Champaign County. This office is located at 520 E. Wabash, Rantoul, Ph: 217-893-0832.

Smile Healthy, dental services for children living in Champaign County, outside of Champaign and Urbana, is funded in part by the CBOH.

CUPHD and the Champaign County Board of Health work together to find and fund important services to keep all of Champaign County healthy and safe.

How do I know if I qualify for services?

Any resident of Champaign County qualifies for services from Public Health. Some programs, such as the HIV/AIDS Services and Support are also available to people from other counties. Some programs require that you meet income guidelines to qualify for services. Every website page that describes a specific program also gives details about eligibility requirements.

How much do Public Health services cost?

We can help you apply for FamilyCare or KidCare if you qualify. We will bill Medicaid (KidCare/FamilyCare) or Medicare whenever possible and we will hand you a bill at the time you receive the service. YOU WILL NOT BE TURNED AWAY FROM ANY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY.

Can I just walk in for services or do I need an appointment?

Some divisions (Dental Health, for example) require you to make an appointment. Others allow walk-ins. Please read the program description to find out if an appointment is required.

How is my privacy protected?

Visit our privacy page to learn more.