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Press Releases



October 2, 2020

Julie Pryde, Administrator
(217) 531-5369 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amy Roberts, Public Relations
(217) 531-4264 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Protecting Yourself Against the Seasonal Flu  is Very Important This Year

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Encourages All Eligible Community Members to Get a Flu Vaccination

Champaign, IL –The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) and the Illinois

Department of Public Health (IDPH) recommend everyone 6 months of age and older should get the seasonal flu vaccine.

This year it is more important than ever to get a flu shot. Each season, millions of Americans are sickened with flu, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized, and tens of thousands die. This season we are also battling COVID-19, another virus that can cause severe respiratory illness. While a vaccine for COVID-19 is still under development, there is a vaccine for flu that has been proven to be safe and effective over the past 50 years. Getting a flu vaccine can help you avoid co-infection with COVID-19 and flu.

The vaccine is available in either a flu shot, or in a nasal spray. Talk with a health care provider about what type is most appropriate for you. More information on the types of flu vaccine can be found on the CDC website.

In addition to getting your flu vaccine, the Illinois Department of Public Health recommends following the 3 W’s for both COVID-19 and influenza:

  • Wash your hands
  • Watch your distance
  • Wear your mask

Many of the symptoms of flu and COVID-19 are the same, such as fever and cough, but there are some differences. If you have symptoms of either flu or COVID-19, self-isolate and contact a health care provider. They can talk with you about testing and other measures you should be taking.

“The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get a flu vaccination each year and it takes about two weeks for your body to develop antibodies that provide protection against the influenza virus. The flu season can begin as early as October and can last as late as May,” said Julie A. Pryde, Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Administrator. “It is more important than ever this year to get a flu shot as soon as possible with COVID-19 impacting our community. The ultimate goal is to avoid co-infection, reduce the impact on local healthcare systems, and save lives.”

The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District currently has a quadrivalent intramuscular injectable vaccine available. This year CUPHD will be providing flu vaccine in various ways to encourage safety through social distancing.

  • The drive thru food pantry on Thursdays from Noon – 2:00 p.m.
  • Call ahead for an appointment (531-5316 or 531-5317) for inside or curbside
  • Same day appointments, if available, (call 531-5365 or 531-4307) for options

The cost for the flu vaccine is $47.00. CUPHD will bill insurance or Medicaid for this charge. If you do not have insurance, CUPHD asks you to pay what you can afford. If cost is a concern, payment options are available.

Additional influenza planning resources and information are available at and



Download 2020-10-01-Flu-vac-COVID-PR

August 27, 2020

Julie Pryde, Administrator
(217) 531-5369 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amy Roberts, Public Relations
(217) 531-4264 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Receives Assistance from Tom Bodett

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Announces Public Service Announcement featuring Tom Bodett

Champaign, IL – The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is excited to announce the release of a public service announcement (PSA) featuring Champaign native, Tom Bodett. Tom Bodett graciously agreed to record a 30-second PSA to encourage Champaign County residents to wear a face covering to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“We were excited that Tom Bodett was willing to make a PSA for us to use in Champaign County. He has such a recognizable voice from his commercial work, and I am personally a fan of his from his appearances on “Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me” on National Public Radio,” said Julie Pryde, CUPHD Administrator. 

CUPHD would also like to thank Chris Powers, retired journalist from Rantoul, for his efforts to make this possible.

To listen to the PSA, go to:



Download 2020-08-27-Mask-PSA-with-Tom-Bodett-PR

August 20, 2020

Julie Pryde, Administrator
(217) 531-5369 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amy Roberts, Public Relations
(217) 531-4264 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Board of Health Member Elected as President of National Organization

Mr. Andy Quarnstrom to serve as National Association of Local Boards of Health President

Champaign, IL – The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is honored to announce that Mr. Andy Quarnstrom, City of Champaign Township Supervisor and CUPHD Board of Health Secretary, assumed the office of President of the National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) on August 19, 2020 in a virtual ceremony. Mr. Quarnstrom has been on the NALBOH Board for over three years and his Presidency in NALBOH culminates his passion for public health and his interest to share his knowledge of public health board governance. NALBOH represents hundreds of boards of health throughout the United States and provides education, advocacy, and coordination to board of health members.  

“I am very happy that Andy has been elected to this position. NALBOH is an organization that will greatly benefit from his enthusiasm, knowledge and fresh ideas. I am sure he will do an amazing job, while exchanging public health innovations with others from around the country,” said Julie Pryde, CUPHD Administrator.



Download 2020-08-20-Andy-Quarnstrom-as-NALBOH-President-PR