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Press Releases


March 3, 2009

Nikki Hillier, Program Coordinator
(217) 531-2916

Lori A. Holmes, Public Relations
(217) 531-2927

Local Educators Address the “Birds & Bees”

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District to Provide FREE  Training Workshop for Local Educators

Champaign, IL – On Friday, March 6, 2009 the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) will be providing local educators with a FREE training workshop on how to effectively address sexual education in their classrooms. The workshop will be held from 9:00am – 3:00pm in the large conference room in CUPHD at 201 West Kenyon Road, Champaign.  Interested educators are encouraged to call Jennifer Jackson 217-531-2912 to register for the workshop.  The workshop materials are adaptable to any age group, and teachers from all grade levels are encouraged to attend. Lunch will be provided.

The workshop will introduce educators to the curriculums “Our Whole Lives” (OWL) and the supplement “Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH).  Both abstinence-based programs stress the importance of youth and young adults being well informed so that they can make better and healthier decisions about sexuality.  Both curriculums have been identified by the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health (ICAH) as meeting the criteria for comprehensive sexuality education. The curriculums will provide educators with accurate, age-appropriate information for five different age groups:  grades K-1, grades 4-6, grades 7-9, grades 10-12, and adults. The curriculums are user friendly and flexible to meet the educational needs of most classrooms, and include easy to copy ageappropriate worksheets and activities.

Through the workshop educators will discover how to effectively teach their students about:

  • Medically Accurate Human Development
  • Relationships
  • Personal Skills
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Sexual Health
  • The Role of Society and Culture
  • Self Worth
  • Responsibility
  • Justice and Inclusivity

 “Sexual health is much more complex than accurately portraying the physical aspects,” said Nikki Hillier, Program Coordinator for CUPHD, “The goal of this sexual education workshop is to provide the resources necessary for local educators to give students the most up-to-date medically accurate information about sexual health available.  Discussing sexual health can be uncomfortable for both the students and educator, and often times fraught with misinformation.  CUPHD hopes that this workshop will provide additional avenues for local educators to approach and successfully teach comprehensive sexual education in a way that students will respond to in a positive and confident manner.” 

In addition to the workshop curriculums, all participating educators will gain access to the CUPHD Resource Lending Library.  Participants may request materials on a variety of sexual education topics, and CUPHD will send them directly to the schools free of charge.  CUPHD also offers technical assistance in the form of professionally trained Health Educators to support efforts to educate the youth of the Champaign-Urbana community.

For more information about sexual education workshops at CUPHD, or any other CUPHD programs and services, please call 217-352-7961 or visit CUPHD on the web at or



Download 2009-03-04-Teacher-Sex-Ed-Training-PR

May 18, 2009

Julie Pryde, Administrator
(217) 531-5369 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Duane Northrup, Champaign County Coroner
(217) 384-3888

Amy Roberts, Public Relations
(217) 531-4264 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Human Placentas Discovered By Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District

Unusual Event Under Investigation By Local Authorities

Champaign, IL – For the third time in just over a month, a healthy human placenta has been found by workers at the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District.  Urbana Police contacted the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD), and the Champaign County Coroner’s Office for assistance with this unusual situation.  According to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Rules and Regulations, human placentas are considered potentially infectious medical waste, and should not be disposed of in the municipal sewage system.

“I can say with absolute certainty that the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District has never received a call of this nature,” said Julie A. Pryde, Public Health Administrator at CUPHD.  “CUPHD has been asked by local authorities to assist with disseminating information to the community to ensure that this situation does not occur again.”

Persons assisting with home births, human or animal, should not dispose of placentas through the municipal sewage system—through flushing down the toilet or depositing them in a storm sewer.  Placentas should be treated as any other solid, potentially infectious medical waste, and disposed of properly.  Hospitals, clinics, and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District have contracts with licensed medical waste disposal companies.

The individual or individuals in the community that have been engaging in this practice must stop immediately and begin disposing of the medical waste associated with home births in an approved manner.  Persons assisting with home births can contact the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Champaign for disposal guidance by calling (217) 278-5800.  Local health authorities strongly encourage community members to alert the proper agencies if they have any information regarding the unauthorized disposal of medical waste.

The average human placenta or afterbirth is nine inches in length, and is about one inch thick.  It typically weighs approximately one pound, and is dark reddish or maroon in color.  The placenta is connected to the fetus by an umbilical cord of approximately 22-24 inches in length which supplies the fetus with nutrients and oxygen from the mother, and transfers waste products and carbon dioxide from the fetus for disposal by the mother.

For more information on CUPHD and its many programs, please contact CUPHD at (217) 3527961 or visit CUPHD on the web at www.Stock2forFlu or




Download 2009-02-26-Human-Placenta-PR

February 17, 2009

Julie Pryde, Administrator
(217) 531-5369 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lori A. Holmes, Public Relations
(217) 531-2927

Lincoln’s Challenge Academy Illness - Update

Champaign, IL – Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD)’s County Health Department Sanitarians are currently collaborating with Lincoln’s Challenge Academy (LCA), Illinois National Guard, and officials and representatives of the food service contractor in a detailed disinfecting of the LCA kitchen.  Although the incident is still under investigation, CUPHD officials believe that the likely pathogen responsible for the illness is a virus – not food poisoning. 

Lab results of food and patient specimens are expected later this week.  These lab results are expected to identify the pathogen to allow for better treatment and eradication.

CUPHD expects the disinfecting of the LCA kitchen to be completed by tomorrow, and plan to do a final inspection tomorrow to re-open the kitchen.  It is unknown whether the kitchen will be open in time to feed the cadets lunch, but should be operational for dinner.

“The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District is very pleased with the steps that the Lincoln’s Challenge Academy has taken to control this incident,” said Julie A. Pryde, Public Health Administrator at CUPHD.  “Their timely response potentially prevented the spread of the pathogen, and kept many otherwise healthy members of the LCA community from becoming ill.”

CUPHD would like to encourage other institutions to follow the example of Lincoln’s Challenge Academy by contacting Public Health immediately if they see an unusual number of any illnesses.  CUPHD would also like to encourage institutions to emphasize the importance of hand washing as the first line of defense against many illnesses.  CUPHD offers free hand-washing technique signs and hand washing workshops for interested parties.  For additional information, please call 217-531-2927.

For more information on CUPHD and its many programs, please contact CUPHD at (217) 3527961 or visit CUPHD on the web at www.Stock2forFlu or


