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Press Releases


November 19, 2007

Awais Vaid, Epidemiologist
(217) 531-5360

Lori A. Holmes, Public Relations
(217) 531-2927

State Public Health Director Warns Consumers to Check their Freezers and Throw Out Recalled Pot Pies

Consumers are still eating these pot pies and becoming ill

Springfield, IL – Dr. Damon T. Arnold, state public health director, is warning consumers again today to throw out frozen pot pies that could be linked to a multi-state outbreak of salmonellosis.  Last Month ConAgra Foods voluntarily recalled an undetermined amount of all varieties of frozen pot pie products produces under multiple brand names, including chicken, turkey and beef.

“If you currently have pot pies in your freezer, even if you bought them a couple of months ago, you need to pay attention to this recall.  The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) continues to receive reports of ill people who have consumed the recalled pot pies within the last month.  Salmonellosis can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever within eight to 72 hours.  Additional symptoms may include chills, headache, nausea and vomiting that can last up to seven days.  Consumers should not eat these pot pies,” said Dr. Arnold.

To date, Illinois has had a total of 15 cases of Salmonella that are believed to be associated with eating the recalled pot pies, compared to six cases as of October 12, 2007 when IDPH first warned consumers.

The following brands and all varieties, including chicken, turkey and beef, of frozen pot pie products are subject to this recall:

  • Banquet
  • Albertson’s
  • Food Lion
  • Great Value
  • Hill Country Fare
  • Kirkwood
  • Kroger
  • Meijer
  • Western Family

These frozen pot pies include all varieties in 7 oz. single serving packages bearing an establishment number “P-9” or “Est. 1059” printed on the side of the package.

Between January 1, 2007 and October 29, 2007 at least 272 cases have matched the national, outbreak in 35 states.  At least 65 people have been hospitalized.

Salmonella bacteria cause much of the food poisoning in the world, including an estimated four million cases of salmonellosis in the United States each year. In Illinois about 1,500 to 2,500 cases of this food borne illness are reported each year.

Citizens are encouraged to contact Rachella Thompson, Communicable Disease Investigator at he Champaign-Urbana Public Health District at (217) 531-5361 to report suspect symptoms or products or call the Toll-Free hotline at (866) 484-8671.

For more information, please contact CUPHD, Division of Infectious Disease Prevention & Management, (217) 239-7827 or visit our website at



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November 7, 2007

Jeffrey Erdman, Program Coordinator
(217) 531-5366

Lori A. Holmes, Public Relations
(217) 531-2927

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Program Coordinator Receives Highly Competitive State of Illinois Award for Work in HIV/STD Prevention

CUPHD Program Coordinator Recognized for Many Years of Outstanding Leadership in the Field of HIV/STD Prevention.

Champaign, IL – The Red Ribbon Committee of the 16th Annual HIV/STD Conference presented Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) Program Coordinator, Jeffery Erdman with the “Arlene Valentine Sustained HIV/STD Leadership Award” at the annual award luncheon on October 31, 2007.  This award is presented in recognition of over 5 years of outstanding leadership in a community based organization or health department conducting HIV/STD prevention and/or care services.

“I am honored to receive this award”, said Jeffery Erdman.  “This award symbolizes not only my personal efforts in the field of HIV/STD prevention, but the efforts of so many that have come before me.  I am especially honored that this particular award that I received was named for Arlene Valentine – not only an extraordinary HIV/STD educator in her own right, but also remarkable friend”.

“I am so pleased that Jeffery was chosen to receive this award”, said Candi Crause, Interim Director of Infectious Disease at CUPHD.  “Jeffery is truly committed to educating people on HIV/STD prevention.  He is passionate that only extensive education can bring about honest acceptance and hopefully a solution to not only the stigmas associated with HIV/STD, but a resolution to the health crisis in the current MSM culture.”

Jeffery Erdman, a recognized evaluation specialist and behavioral researcher, currently serves as the CUPHD’s HIV Prevention Lead Agent for 25 counties in East Central Illinois.  Prior to his tenure in Champaign, Mr. Erdman served as the Evaluation Coordinator, a Behavioral Research Specialist, and the Young MSM HIV Prevention Project Officer for the Illinois Department of Public Health’s HIV/Aids Section.  Mr. Erdman and staff of the Young MSM HIV Prevention Project at CUPHD have developed a implemented a nationally honored group HIV prevention intervention for young MSM of color, “Very Informed Brothers Engaged for Survival (VIBES),” which has been submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a potential Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions curriculum, and which has been presented at numerous conferences, including the 2005 United States Conference on AIDS in Philadelphia, PA and the 2007 United States Conference on AIDS in Palm Springs, CA.

Besides these honors, Mr. Erdman has been honored with awards from the American Association for World Health and the Society of Professional Journalists, and he has been published in various journals and periodicals for work he completed as a research specialist at IDPH, Northwestern University and the Edward Hines Jr. Veterans Administration Hospital.

For more information on Jeffery Erdman or any of the many CUPHD programs including HIV/STD Prevention, please call 217-352-7961 or visit our website at



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November 2, 2007

Nikki Hillier, Program Coordinator
(217) 531-2916

Lori A. Holmes, Public Relations
(217) 531-2927

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Health Educator Receives Highly Competitive National Scholarship

CUPHD Health Educator will Attend National Conference on Sexual Health Education in Baltimore, Maryland in Mid-November

Champaign, IL – Kari Schweighart, Health Educator for the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD)  will be attending the National Sexual Health Education Conference titled “On Their Turf: Creative Approaches to Supporting Teens and Young Families” November 14-17, 2007.  Schweighart is one of only 5 professionals selected nation-wide to receive the highly competitive scholarship for the all-expense paid trip to the conference being held in Baltimore, Maryland.

“On Their Turf” will offer current relevant information pertaining to research, programs, and media strategies proven to positively engage teens and young families.  Through a series of workshops, Schweighart will gain the additional necessary skills to provide support, education and resources that are more laser-focused on the complex nature of the modern youth culture.

“This scholarship provides an exciting opportunity not only for me individually, but also for the communities served by CUPHD”, said Kari Schweighart.  “The information I learn from participating in this National Conference will give me the additional necessary skills to expand CUPHD youth outreach programs.  It will also give me the personal satisfaction of knowing that I will be able to reach some of the target audiences that proved challenging in the past, and that is what it is all about…helping people”. “NACCHO only funded five people for this conference”, said Nikki Hillier, Program Coordinator at CUPHD.  “I am so pleased that Kari was one of those selected nationally to go.  Kari is the perfect candidate as her passion truly lies with providing comprehensive sex education in schools and local communities.  This opportunity will serve to enhance her abilities to work with our partners and clients.”

CUPHD currently partners with local community agencies, including Planned Parenthood, to provide outreach programs on sexual health issues for young people and young parents.  CUPHD and partners daily participate in outreach workshops aimed at providing today’s youth with current and comprehensive sexual education.  In a frank and honest way, the partners address concerns, questions and the potential consequences of sexual activity in youth.  Over the past year, this partnership has worked with hundreds of area youth and is currently crusading for a required standard of sexual education in our community.

For more information on this or any of the many other CUPHD programs, please call 217-352-7961 or visit our website at



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