Go to the website and login https://www.c-uphd.org/cms/login.html
Under the EH in the top toolbar menu select "Add new restaurant opening"
** Enter new openings in this order, County, Urbana, Champaign. This is required to sort them on the website due to different categories.
Under the publishing tab under Category scroll down and select one of the following.
- Champaign County - new opening
- Urbana - new opening
- Champaign - new opening
Go to the content tab and enter the name of the business under Title *
To format the rest of the information go to this link and enter the address. The address must be formatted as 3425 Stone Street, Apt. 2A, Jacksonville, FL 39404
After you enter the address and any optional things like (Mobile) or (Change of ownership) click the submit button and the page will generate the text for the address with a google map link to the location.
You should get results like this
July 2024
1807 S. Neil Street
Champaign, IL,61820
Google map
Highlight and copy this text and paste it into the website form in the large editor window.
Click the save button.
In a new window, go to this page if you want and check the new listing.
If anything needs to be changed go back to the form and make the changes and re-save it.
When you are happy with the new item click the close button.
To enter another new restaurant opening repeat the steps above.