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School Sealant Program

School dental services consent form

NO COST to parent
Uninsured or Medicaid
Meets state dental exam requirements

email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone 217-531-4279


Barkstall Jan 29-31
Bottenfield Apr 16-17
BT Washington Sept 4-5
Carrie Busey Feb 19-21
Centennial HS Oct 23-25
Central HS Sept 18-19
Champaign Early Childhood Feb 12-14
Dr. Howard Nov 6-8
Edison MS Nov 13-15
Franklin MS Oct 30-Nov 1
Garden Hills Nov 20-22
IPA Apr 23-25
Jefferson MS March 5-7
Kenwood Dec 4-6
Novak April 2
Robeson Dec 18-20
South side Oct 2-4
Stratton Sept 25-27
Westview Sept 11
*Ready Program Sept 11



Leal Dec 11-13
Martin Luther King Oct 9-11
Dr. Williams Jan 8-10
Thomas Paine Feb 26-28
UHS Feb 5-7
UMS Jan 22-24
Urbana Early Childhood Jan 15-17
Yankee Ridge March 12-14