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Radon is a radioactive gas. Radon is a radioactive element that is part of the radioactive decay chain of naturally occurring uranium in soil. You can't see, smell, or taste radon, and unlike carbon monoxide and many other home pollutants, radon's adverse health effect, lung cancer, is usually not produced immediately. Thus, you may be exposed to radon for many years without ever suspecting its presence in your home.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) action level for radon is 4.0 picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L). At this level, the risk of developing lung cancer is estimated at about 7 out of 1,000 persons if you never smoked. The chances increase to 62 out of 1,000 persons if you smoke. That is why United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) recommends reducing your radon level if the concentration is 4.0 pCi/L or more.

Statistics provided by the EPA website. Information provided by the IEMA website.

Radon gets in through:

  1. Cracks in solid floors
  2. Construction joints
  3. Cracks in walls
  4. Gaps in suspended floors
  5. Gaps around service pipes
  6. Cavities inside walls
  7. The water supply

2018 Illinois Poster Contest Winner


Why should I test for radon?

While scientists can estimate approximately per 1,000 people, no single individual's risk can be estimated. Testing is relatively inexpensive, easy and is the only way to know whether you are at risk.

Information provided by the IEMA website.


How do I test for radon?

If you would like to perform the test yourself, read the Guidelines for Radon Measurements in the Home (PDF) before placing the detector in your house. This guide outlines the steps for home radon testing, things to remember when testing and where to place the detector.

Information provided by the IEMA website.

If you live in Champaign County, you can pick up a test kit (while supplies last) by visiting the Environmental Health Division (north side of building). There is a limit of one kit per homeowner and the kit must be picked up in person.  There is no charge for the kit and there is no separate testing fee.

If you would like a list of contractors (both measurement and mitigation professionals) please go to the IEMA website.


My radon tests results were higher than 4.0 pCi/L. Now what?

Radon reduction techniques are used to stop radon entry and reduce indoor radon concentrations. IEMA recommends hiring a licensed mitigation professional to reduce your indoor radon concentrations, as you would hire a licensed plumber, pest control operator, asbestos contractor or other specialist.

Trained mitigators using specialized equipment can discover where radon is entering and advise homeowners on the best way to reduce radon concentrations. The most common technique used by radon reduction firms is called "subslab depressurization" (SSD) and does not require major renovations. Post-mitigation testing must be performed to determine the effectiveness of the mitigation system.

The cost of an active mitigation system is typically between $800 and $1,200 for installation, and the energy cost for running the fan will average around $100 per year.

To find a list of contractors (both measurement and mitigation professionals), visit the IEMA website. Click on the interactive map, then click on your county to see a list.

Information provided by the IEMA website.


What about radon testing and real estate transactions?

Please refer to the IEMA website to learn about disclosure laws and testing.


What is the radon daycare law?


Do schools have radon laws or guidelines?

While currently there are no laws regarding radon and schools, there is an Illinois Public Act that contained recommendations. Read the act.

Read more about the school screening program here.


What about building homes to be radon resistant?

Effective June 1, 2013, all new residential construction throughout Illinois must include passive radon resistant construction. Read the law in its entirety.

Visit the EPA's radon website for information on constructing radon resistant buildings.


I rent my apartment/condo/home. Can I test for radon

IEMA pamphlet titled Radon Guide for Tenants.

Disclosure of Information on Radon Hazards (For Current and Prospective Tenants)

EPA Answers Radon Questions

Seattle Seahawk Talks About Radon

2018 Illinois Radon Video Contest Winners


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