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Parkland College and Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Kick Off Worksite Wellness Challenge

January 28, 2014

Amy Roberts, Public Relations
(217) 531-4264 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parkland College and Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Kick Off Worksite Wellness Challenge

Employees will be challenged to eat better, be more physically active and reduce stress

Champaign, IL – On Thursday, January 30th at noon, Parkland College and the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) will kick-off a worksite wellness challenge for Parkland employees. The four-month wellness challenge is called the Amazing Challenge, and the challenge itself begins on February 1st. Thursday’s kick-off event will be held at Parkland’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, located at 2400 W. Bradley Avenue, D116, in Champaign.

The Amazing Challenge will be organized through a web portal called We Choose Health 365, created by the Illinois Department of Public Health and Live Healthy America. A number of employers in Champaign County and state-wide will participate in the challenge, which will provide health challenges for employees on nutrition, physical activity and stress reduction. It will be a simple, fun and interactive campaign that encourages focused weekly action – making it easy for participants to make changes and see results. The wellness website allows employees to create personalized dashboards to track their individual wellness goals, nutrition intake and physical activity, and provides wellness resources such as fitness videos and healthy recipes.

“We are so pleased to have this opportunity to work with Public Health to promote wellness on the Parkland campus and hope that we might be able to develop something similar for the students,” said June Burch, Parkland Wellness Coordinator.

Tara McCauley, CUPHD Special Projects Coordinator, said “CUPHD is excited to offer this intensive, yet easy and low-cost wellness program to Champaign County employers. And we are fortunate that our grant funding allows us to pay the registration costs for most Champaign County employers to participate in the challenge.” 

Other area employers participating in the Amazing Challenge include: Carrie Busey Elementary School, Champaign County, Unity West Elementary School, CUPHD and Frasca International. Champaign County employers can still register for the Amazing Challenge by contacting Tara McCauley at CUPHD (contact info above).

The Amazing Challenge is part of the Illinois Department of Public Health’s We Choose Health Initiative, which is made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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