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Increased West Nile Virus Activity in Champaign County

August 19, 2013

Jim Roberts, Director of Environmental Health (217) 531-2909

Amy Roberts, Public Relations
(217) 531-4264 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Increased West Nile Virus Activity in Champaign County

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District/Champaign County Public Health Department Urges Residents to Take Precautions

Champaign, IL – Several mosquito samples have recently tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV). “This is the time of the year that we expect to see an increase of WNV between the bird and Culex mosquito populations. It is important for people to now take precautions to help prevent WNV,” said Jim Roberts, Environmental Health Director at the ChampaignUrbana Public Health District (CUPHD).

Actions you can take to limit exposure to WNV are:

  • Drain standing water
  • Mosquito-proof your home
  • Apply insect repellent*
  • Wear long sleeves and pants, when weather permits*
  • Consider limiting outdoor activity*

*Take extra care during the peak mosquito hours from dusk to dawn.

West Nile virus is transmitted to birds through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Only about two people in 10 who are infected with WNV will experience any illness. Illness from WNV is usually mild and includes fever, headache and body aches, but serious illness such as encephalitis, meningitis and death are possible. Serious illness can occur in people of any age; however, people over 60 years of age are at the greatest risk for severe disease. 


Information about WNV activity can be found on the CUPHD website at



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