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Local Officials Urge Citizens to Check on Others during Heat Wave


July 22, 2011

John Dwyer, Coordinator / CCEMA
(217) 384-3826 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amy Roberts, Public Relations
(217) 531-4264 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Local Officials Urge Citizens to Check on Others during Heat Wave

Champaign-Urbana Public Health District and the Champaign County Emergency Management Agency Urge the Public to Check on Individuals That May Be in Need

Champaign, IL –Officials from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) and the Champaign County Emergency Management Agency (CCEMA) urge religious organizations, apartment and mobile home park managers, clubs and fraternal organizations to reach out and check-up on their vulnerable members or tenants who might need assistance during extreme heat. “These organizations are in a much better position than anyone to reach out during a heat wave or other emergency,” says Julie Pryde,

Administrator of CUPHD.  “Religious and fraternal organizations are an immense resource. They often have directories, phone trees, prayer lines, and other resources that make it easy for them to reach out and conduct a welfare check.”

A welfare check can be as simple as asking a few questions:

  • Do you have a working air conditioner?
  • Do you know where the cooling centers are, and do you need assistance getting to one?
  • How do you feel?

And offer a few reminders to avoid heat-related illness:

  • Stay hydrated. Drink at least 48-64 ounces of cool non-caffeinated and nonalcoholic beverages (caffeine & alcohol are diuretics and will increase dehydration).  Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink.
  • Reduce the amount of activity during the hottest parts of the day. If you must be active during those times, strive to take frequent breaks in a shady or cool area.
  • Wear light-colored and lightweight clothes.
  • Take a cool shower or sponge bath if you begin feeling over heated.
  • Retreat to an air-conditioned environment if you begin to feel overly warm. If you do not have air conditioning, consider visiting a mall, grocery store, or other public place to cool off.  Offer a ride if needed.

It is also important for neighbors to check on each other during this time.

Anyone can suffer a heat-related illness.  CUPHD and CCEMA urge everyone to take precautions in the summer heat and to check on children, the elderly, and pets frequently.

For more information, please contact CUPHD at (217) 352-7961 or visit



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