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NATIONAL BLACK HIV/AIDS AWARENESS DAY OBSERVED FEB. 7 Communities Nationwide Hold Events to Raise Awareness


For Immediate Release: February 6, 2007
Media Contact: Candi Crause, Prevention Program Coordinator
T: 531-5372  -  F: 531-5378

NATIONAL BLACK HIV/AIDS AWARENESS DAY OBSERVED FEB. 7 Communities Nationwide Hold Events to Raise Awareness

February 7, 2007 marks the seventh annual observance of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD).  This national mobilization effort is designed to encourage African Americans across the United States and Territorial Areas to get educated, get tested, get involved and get treated for HIV/AIDS, as it continues to devastate Black communities. Special events such as free HIV/AIDS testing, prayer breakfasts, town hall meetings and memorial services will be held throughout the country.

While African Americans represent approximately 13 percent of the U.S. population, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the group accounts for almost half (49%) of the nation’s AIDS cases.  According to the National Center for Health Statistics 2006 Report, HIV/AIDS is one of the top 10 leading causes of death for African Americans; and in the same year African Americans accounted for more than half (54 percent) of estimated new HIV infections in the United States.

To address this crisis, the Champaign Urbana Public Health District will be providing free and anonymous testing at four sites throughout the day.  Testing will be providing on the Wellness on Wheels Mobile Health unit. All tests will be using an oral swab device.  Results will be provided in 20 minutes for adults 18 years of age and older.  Youth 13-17 will need to set-up a time to receive results 10 days later.  The locations will be as follows:

U of I African American Cultural Center: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Fair Oaks Housing, Danville: 1:00-3:00 PM Canaan Evangelistic Church: 4:00-6:00 PM

TIMES Center: 8:00-9:00 PM:

For more information on testing and sites contact: Arlene Valentine at 531-5364. For more information on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2007, please visit the website at



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