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Champaign County Tobacco Prevention Coalition and Champaign-Urbana Smokefree Alliance to Celebrate Smokefree Illinois

August 1, 2007

Nikki Hillier, Program Coordinator
(217) 531-2916

Lori A. Holmes, Public Relations
(217) 531-2927

Champaign County Tobacco Prevention Coalition and Champaign-Urbana Smokefree Alliance to Celebrate Smokefree Illinois

Comprehensive Smokefree law to provide healthier environment for all Illinois Citizens

Champaign, IL – On Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 11:30am at Billy Barooz in Champaign, the Champaign County Tobacco Prevention Coalition (CCTPC) will celebrate a long awaited win for health advocates with the Champaign-Urbana Smokefree Alliance.  The Champaign-Urbana Smokefree Alliance was created as a result of initiatives taken on by CCTPC’s policy subcommittee.  Beginning January 1, 2008, Illinois will join the ranks of 21 other states in the nation that have laws that protect workers from second hand smoke.

Many attribute the success of Smokefree Illinois to the extraordinary efforts of groups such as the Champaign-Urbana Smokefree Alliance.  “The road to a Smokefree Illinois has been very challenging” said Nikki Hillier, Chair of the CCTPC.  “The CCTPC was devastated when Champaign-Urbana elected to partially rescind the city-wide smoking ordinance, but we continued to press for state-wide reform.  This new Smoke Free Illinois Act will undoubtedly result in a healthier environment for all our residents, and will exponentially reduce the number of second hand smoke related health issues.”

Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in the United States.  It contains more than 4,000 chemicals and more than 69 carcinogens which are the leading causes of cancer, stroke, heart disease, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), respiratory ailments and even inner ear infections in children.

The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) realizes that the new Smokefree Illinois law will produce a new and potentially challenging atmosphere for individuals and businesses alike, and in partnership with CCTPC, will provide programming and educational opportunities for those in need.

As an additional service to those community members that have the desire to stop smoking, CUPHD offers smoking cessation programs such as “Freedom From Smoking” and “Break the Habit” to provide support and education where necessary.  Information regarding CUPHD’s smoking cessation program may be obtained by calling Jennifer Jackson at 217-531-2912.

For more information about other CUPHD programs and services, visit us on the web at



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