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Plat Review Requirements

Please be advised that the Plat Act (765 JLCS 205/2) requires local health departments to approve plats with respect to sewage disposal systems if any part of the platted land will not be served by a public sewer system and the land is subdivided into parcels or tracts of five acres or less. The Champaign County Public Health Department must approve the plat in writing.

To facilitate the review of the plat, we typically need the following information:

  • Proposed plat.

  • Subdivision covenants.
  • A soil investigation that consists of at least one soil boring from each lot. The investigation must be conducted in accordance with Section 905.55(a) of the Private Sewage Disposal Code.

  • A statement of the·availability of public sewer service [Section 905.20(e)], a statement describing the availability of a public water supply, and, if available, the location of the water mains.

  • A statement of the proposed use for the land: single-family versus multi-family dwellings. A multi-family dwelling requires a setback distance of 200 feet between any private water well and subsurface septic system.
  • The location of existing and proposed drainage tiles, natural drainage areas, and ponds or lakes.
  • A statement on the potential for flooding based on field observations, flood maps and historical review. No private sewage disposal system shall be located in a special flood hazard area unless it meets Section 905 .20(j)( I) of the Private Sewage Disposal Code and any mechanical or electrical components of the system are a foot or more above the one percent annual probability base flood elevation. The use of fill for installing subsurface seepage systems is not approved according to Section 905.60(8)(8) of the Private Sewage Disposal Code.

  • Submit a plat review fee. See our fee schedule for the amount. (within Champaign-Urbana city limits / Champaign County)
  • No construction permits will be issued for surface discharging systems on land that is subject to the Illinois Plat Act that was platted and approved after August 10, 2014.

Please contact the Champaign County Public Health Department at 217-363-3269 if you have any questions.


Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 217-373-7900 or 217-363-3269
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
201 W. Kenyon Rd., Champaign, IL 61820

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