Welcome to Health Map Online!
At Health Map Online you will find maps and additional information about all aspects of health in Illinois. Our goals are to:
- Improve emergency preparedness through better access to current health and facilities information.
- Support public health and well-being through access to integrated information that can improve health.
- Integrate mapping applications with other information to improve logistical decisions and to allow for better physical access to goods and services that enhance health.
To access another Health Map Online region, click on the 'Regions' button in the sidebar and select the region you wish to visit.
Featured Maps
HMO Data now available online via Esri's ArcGIS Explorer Online
We have placed all of the HMO data in a map for ease of use. Follow the link to see the data and visualize it how you like. To go along with the map, here is a tutorial for using ArcGIS Explorer Online.Flu Vaccine Locations
We have created a map to show people where to find the seasonal flu vaccine in the Champaign-Urbana area. In addition to the map, here is list which includes the address of each location.Demographics
We have used the 2010 Census data to map demographic information of special interest to public health. Take a look at the maps by clicking on the image to the left.Health Facilities
We have mapped the locations of all categories of health facilities in the East-Central Illinois region. Follow the link (in the image to the left) to an interactive map of all of the health facilities in the region.H1N1 Vaccinations
During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, CUPHD used geographic information systems mapping to better target areas where vaccination rates from CUPHD's vaccination distrubtion campaign were low. In particular we targeted places with low income and vulnerable populations and parts of the community where other providers may not have reached.