Champaign-Urbana Public Health District

Press Releases

Jan 15, 2014 Women Out Walking Mini-Grant Awarded to CUPHD
Champaign, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is set to kick- off a new community walking program aimed at women. The Illinois Department of Public Health, Office of Women's Health, is awarding CUPHD $4,500 for the nine- month program that focuses on improving women's health through physical activity.

Women Out Walking is a 12-week walking challenge for women in which participants use a step counter to track their daily steps. At the end of the week they will report their weekly step total to their team captain. The team structure is an important component of the program because it encourages participants to provide positive reinforcement to the other members of their team. The commitment to report step totals each week also will help keep participants involved in the program. There will be weekly challenges and prizes given to participants throughout the program. At the conclusion of the 12 weeks, recognition will be given to the winning team(s).... more...

Jan 9, 2014 H1N1 Flu Activity is on the Rise in the Community
Champaign, IL - Influenza activity is on the rise in this community. The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is encouraging everyone to protect themselves and their families by getting a flu shot now. "H1N1 has been reported in Champaign County," said Julie A. Pryde, Administrator of Champaign-Urbana Public Health District. "There have been H1N1-flu hospitalizations as well."

The Illinois Department of Public Health is reporting widespread influenza activity in Illinois with 122 flu-related intensive care unit hospitalizations and six flu-related intensive care unit deaths. IDPH expects to see an increase in the number of hospitalizations and... more...

Jan 8, 2014 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month - Proclamation
Read the proclamation from Illinois Governor Pat... more...

Jan 8, 2014 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month - Proclamation
Read the proclamation from Illinois Governor Pat... more...

Jan 8, 2014 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month- Proclamation
Read the proclamation from Illinois Governor Pat... more...

Jan 8, 2014 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month- Proclamation
Read the proclamation from Illinois Governor Pat... more...

Nov 26, 2013 December 1st is World AIDS Day
Champaign, IL - Annually, December 1st is observed as World AIDS Day in an effort to raise awareness of the global impact of HIV/AIDS. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated that more than one million people are living with HIV in the United States and 33.4 million worldwide. Of the 12,000 new infections each year, one in four is in youth 13 to 24 years... more...

Nov 20, 2013 Food Safety durring a power outtage
Hazardous Weather Can Impact Food and Water Safety

Simple Steps Can Help Keep You Safe

Champaign, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) and the Champaign County Emergency Management Agency are encouraging everyone impacted by the recent hazardous weather to take food and water safety precautions. Power outages that last longer than two hours may create food safety issues. If the power is out for longer than two hours, the food in your refrigerator and freezer may not be safe to consume. Citizens should use the following guidelines if the power is out longer than two... more...

Oct 17, 2013 Students of Leal Elementary School "CATCH" the Spirit of Good Health
Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Helps the Students of Leal Elementary School "CATCH" the Spirit of Good Health

Sustainable Events Promote Active Living

Champaign, IL - Leal Elementary School has partnered with the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) to implement a Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH). CATCH is a multi-component initiative that promotes healthy behaviors in students and gives them the opportunity to practice them. CATCH emphasizes the need for a healthy lifestyle to improve both living and learning. CATCH has four core components - nutrition, physical activity, health education and family/community involvement. All of the teachers at Leal completed a full-day training to implement CATCH over the summer, and they are holding a kick-off this Friday to introduce CATCH to their... more...

Sep 16, 2013 Carrie Busey Elementary School CATCH the Spirit of Good Health
Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Helps the Students of Carrie Busey Elementary School "CATCH" the Spirit of Good Health

Champaign, IL - Carrie Busey Elementary School has partnered with the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) to implement a Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH). CATCH is a multi-component initiative that promotes healthy behaviors in students and gives them the opportunity to practice them. CATCH emphasizes the need for a healthy lifestyle to improve both living and learning. CATCH has four core components - nutrition, physical activity, health education and family/community involvement. This is Carrie Busey's fifth year implementing... more...