Champaign-Urbana Public Health District

Press Releases

Jan 8, 2021 Champaign County to Receive COVID-19 Vaccinations
Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Announces Vaccinations Now Available for Champaign County Residents 75 Years of Age and Older

CHAMPAIGN, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD), in partnership with Carle Health, OSF HealthCare, Christie Clinic, Promise Healthcare, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are preparing two community-based COVID-19 vaccination clinics for Champaign County residents 75 years of age or older. The group will hold vaccination clinics January 12-14, 2021 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. by appointment only. Appointments are available at either community location regardless of where you receive medical care.... more...

Dec 23, 2020 Potential COVID-19 Exposure
CHAMPAIGN, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is reporting that anyone who attended the Rest-Oration Church located at 1720 Philo Road in Urbana between December 12th and today could have been exposed to COVID-19. If you were present during this time period, get tested immediately, self-quarantine, and then retest this weekend. Please stay at home and do not attend any gatherings. If you develop symptoms over the next 14 days, please test again for COVID-19. If you have questions, contact the CUPHD COVID-19 hotline at 217-239-7877 or email... more...

Oct 21, 2020 COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing Efforts
CHAMPAIGN, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District's (CUPHD) COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing program is asking residents to answer the call and help slow the spread of COVID-19. By answering the call, you can help keep yourself, your family and your community safe.

Residents who test positive for COVID-19 or are identified as a close contact to a positive case will receive a call from 312-777-1999 or a 217-531 phone number. If a call from either number is missed, individuals are able to call it back and be routed to a case investigation/contact tracing... more...

Oct 2, 2020 Stay Safe this Halloween by following Recommended Guidance
Champaign, IL -The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) have issued guidance for safer practices during Halloween this year. Because some of the traditional ways to celebrate this holiday do not allow for proper social distancing, CUPHD encourages all communities throughout Champaign County to follow the guidance to allow for safe Halloween... more...

Oct 2, 2020 Protecting Yourself Against the Seasonal Flu is Very Important This Year
This year it is more important than ever to get a flu shot. Each season, millions of Americans are sickened with flu, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized, and tens of thousands die. This season we are also battling COVID-19, another virus that can cause severe respiratory illness. While a vaccine for COVID-19 is still under development, there is a vaccine for flu that has been proven to be safe and effective over the past 50 years. Getting a flu vaccine can help you avoid co-infection with COVID-19 and... more...

Aug 27, 2020 Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Receives Assistance from Tom Bodett
"We were excited that Tom Bodett was willing to make a PSA for us to use in Champaign County. He has such a recognizable voice from his commercial work, and I am personally a fan of his from his appearances on "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me" on National Public Radio," said Julie Pryde, CUPHD Administrator.... more...

Aug 20, 2020 CUPHD Board of Health Member Elected as President of National Organization
Mr. Andy Quarnstrom to serve as National Association of Local Boards of Health President

Champaign, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is honored to announce that Mr. Andy Quarnstrom, City of Champaign Township Supervisor and CUPHD Board of Health Secretary, assumed the office of President of the National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) on August 19, 2020 in a virtual ceremony. Mr. Quarnstrom has been on the NALBOH Board for over three years and his Presidency in NALBOH culminates his passion for public health and his interest to share his knowledge of public health board governance. NALBOH represents hundreds of boards of health throughout the United States and provides education, advocacy, and coordination to board of health... more...

May 22, 2020 Summer Food Service Program Starts Tuesday
Champaign, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) is hosting the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) again this year beginning Tuesday, May 26. The program provides free meals throughout the summer months when children are not in school.

SFSP is sponsored by the Illinois State Board of Education and will run through mid- August. All meals are free to children ages 1-18 regardless of income or residency. The following times and locations will be available:... more...

Mar 23, 2020 Champaign County Has Confirmed Two Additional Coronavirus Cases
CHAMPAIGN, IL - The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) announced two additional cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Champaign County. One resident is a male in his 30s and the other is a male in his 50s. Both are in home isolation and recovering. Public health officials are identifying and contacting all close contacts. Champaign County has a total of three cases at this... more...

Mar 19, 2020 Champaign County Has First Confirmed Coronavirus Case
COVID-19 is a novel virus which is different than the seasonal flu. Most people have little or no immunity due to the lack of exposure to the virus or similar viruses. It is extremely important that everyone help to stop the virus from spreading. CUPHD urges residents to stay home as much as possible, cancel large gatherings of 25 people or more, and call a health care provider before seeking treatment if you have symptoms. Individuals over the age of 60 and people who have serious chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease are at higher risk of getting sick from COVID-19. Extra precautions need to be taken by those most at risk such as stocking up on supplies and medications and avoiding travel and crowds. Testing is currently based up presented symptoms including a fever and/or signs or symptoms of lower respiratory illness, such as cough and shortness of breath, and epidemiological risk factors including contact and travel... more...